Riza Jane Buarao

14 posts
RJ is an independent woman, team leader, bibliophile, frustrated writer, self proclaimed composer and devoted to everything she loves. She built this team to provide quality services for small business entrepreneurs.

No Superhero: Why and How Delegation Can Help You!

We can’t be superheroes all the time and manage everything at the same time, especially when it comes to overseeing a business or company that you want to grow. Making a business work is all about teamwork and as the saying goes, “there is no I in team.”   Although many managers would love to run the show all by themselves, there is a great probability that an important part of the business would be missed out or neglected because no one’s keeping a close eye on them.   There is nothing wrong with wanting to be in the nitty-gritty of things but an effective manager should also focus on the macro level of the business. He is up there, seeing it as a whole and focused on steering the company in the right direction.   What is the best way to ensure someone’s watching over every aspect of your business? DELEGATE TASKS.   According to Merriam-Webster, “Delegation is the […]

Trending: Virtual Assistants

Let’s face it, Virtual Assistants are getting very popular nowadays, locally or even overseas. I can imagine it being one of the most sought after jobs in the near future. Who wouldn’t want it? You work at the comforts of your home, you don’t have to go through the morning traffic and rush hour, you can even attend your meeting or do your tasks while in your pajamas. And if you’re a single parent or someone who’s physically challenged, you’ll definitely appreciate this job more because you get to work at the same time, you get to bond with your kids and work without the hassle of anyone criticizing your every move.   How would you know if you’re fit for this kind of work?   The first thing that you should ask yourself is this: Can I work efficiently without someone pushing me to do it? If your answer is yes, then great! You can start searching for all […]