virtual assistants

7 posts

pandemic va

Why Hiring a VA this Pandemic is the Best Choice

The major difference between a successful and struggling business is how the owners value their time. There is a new adage that says, “Time is the world’s highest value currency and it can’t be saved up.” We need to identify which tasks best utilize our time to achieve the results we want for our businesses. DId you know that hiring someone to help you in your business will help you focus more on your business? What’s going to happen is it will give you more time to start scaling your business. Around the globe, there is an army of skilled freelancers who are ready to take on the challenge and help you with your goals. Here are the top 4 reasons why you should consider hiring VAs: 1. Disaster-Proof Your Business – Nobody anticipated the global health crisis that brought service disruption and put many businesses to a halt. Having virtual employees even from the other side of the globe […]

online career

Why I Started My Online Career

First of all, I’m so sorry if it took awhile for me to write anything about my online career again here. My life has been a roller coaster these past few years. Again, I’m asking your forgiveness for not updating you at all. Anyways, back to regular programming. The question is why did I start my online career as a virtual assistant? The answer? I didn’t have a choice. I started my freelancing journey back in May 2013. I was working in a call center early that year. I will always get this headache and be hypertensive so I’ll be asked by my team manager to go to the clinic. When the doctor informed me that I was prediabetic and needs lifestyle modification, I filed for a month leave but my boss later informed me that the company won’t allow me to return back to work because if it’s going to be lifestyle modification, then I need to do an […]

online business

Tips and Tricks on Making your Online Business a Success

With the vast and almost limitless potentials that you can find in the internet, you may probably say that everything is possible when you do it online. Nowadays, people can access the internet anytime and anywhere, making it a profitable business environment. Not only job opportunities are available, but also potential customers and the expanding growth of an online business or businesses. If you have a decent connection, a working laptop or desktop computer, or even at least a smartphone, you can pretty much run everything at the comfort of your own home. However, no matter how easy or simple that may sound, running an online business can get quite tricky and complicated still. If you do not have enough knowledge or even experience, you may find yourself struggling to succeed at some point. Just like all kinds of businesses, online or not, you need to come up with strategies and an effective approach to make sure that your online […]

Working Online? Better start reading this!

People today have more flexibility when it comes to choosing their career. They can either work in an office, on the field or even in the comfort of their homes. It’s really up to you if you’ll be white, blue, yellow-collar worker, entrepreneur or just a couch potato.     If you’re an entrepreneur working online– virtual assistant, programmer, transcriber, web designer and the like, this article is going to be beneficial to you. Entrepreneurs working online should read this because the following tips you’ll be seeing are the key factors on what everyone working online should know. So make a cup of coffee or tea and you better grab a pen and paper so you can get some pointers. Virtual Assistants, Telemarketers, Phone Support Specialists, Web Development Programmers, Transcriptionists, SEO Specialists, Social Media Manager, etc. These are just some of the work categories that you can find online. It’s not easy but it’s not impossible to learn. Far from […]

Your Invisible Office: The Wonders a Virtual Assistant Can Bring to Your Business

In this day and age of technological advancement, everything and anything is possible with just a touch of a button including having a team of individuals that can make your business mobile and global wherever you may be. Introducing: the virtual administrative assistant or the e-assistant – the perfect person for all your business needs.   Gone were the days when you need to physically have a space to get your business or company going. Nowadays, you can go online and hire a virtual assistant or VA for short to cater to pressing demands for your company. An e-assistant is an individual that works at a remote location for all your administrative needs like checking your e-mail, keeping calendar of all the things you need to do, researching and even planning your marketing campaigns.  It’s like having an invisible partner that takes away the hassle and painstaking side of moving up the ladder of success.   Having someone work remotely […]